Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Beginning

A short history:

I am a 35-year-old single woman who has been dealing with rheumatoid arthritis for about three years. I have not been on medication because I do not have health insurance. I have applied for disability insurance through the state, and I am waiting to hear. I am a procrastinator and live in deep denial -- I've been telling myself "it isn't that bad." My friends and family tell me differently, and I have finally agreed.

It started in my knee and my hands. Within three months, my hands went from "normal" to seriously deformed. I cannot close my left hand nor open my right completely. Makes life quite interesting. Over the past three years, it has settled in my toes, wrists, neck, and most recently my left shoulder and my jaw. I cannot open my mouth more than a few centimeters. I walk with a cane but I don't walk much.

By the grace of God, I am still working. I teach at a small Christian school, and this family has helped me in so many ways! I would not be able to teach without their help and support. Being single, I want to work as long as possible.

Now, the reason for this blog:

I am starting what is called the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet. Several friends of mine follow a fermented foods regimen. One handed me the book (with the above title) by Dr. Natasha Campbell, a medical doctor in England. I have read it and am ready to try it. This blog will chronicle my progress. I will post pics when I can and write as often as possible.

Right now I am very tired, and the students have all gone home, so I will too!  More to come...


  1. Hi Melissa, I too have RA and have had it for about 14 years, diagnosed at age 58. I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis and hope you will find relief soon. I am curious to know how the diet works for you. Next month I am planning to jump start a macrobiotic diet by going to a program offered by the Kushi Institute in Becket, MA. I will look into your diet and see if there are any points that intersect. Meanwhile, good luck. I wish I knew how to get you treatment that might help you right this minute.

    1. Thank you responding, Jane. I sincerely hope that God can use e through this struggle to help others. I will be posting more about the diet today or tomorrow, hopefully. God bless!
